Wednesday, February 18, 2015


A TIME FOR CHANGE:Blood relationship of Kokang in China and Kokang in Burma can't be divided by the political boundary. The same can be apply to Jingpo in Jinghpawland (Kachin State) and Jingpo in Dai-Jingpo Autonomous Region, China. The suffering of own brethren became the internal affairs of the Government of China so the Chinese people and media should lobby to review half a century the foreign policy "non-interference, respect for the sovereignty of others, non-aggression". If necessary the Government of China should act upon the Responsible to Protect through the UN.
Google translate
果敢的在中國和果敢緬甸血緣關係不能由政治邊界劃分。同樣可以適用於在景頗族Jinghpawland (克欽邦),並在景頗族傣族景頗族自治州,中國。自己弟兄們的苦難成為中國政府的內部事務,以便中國人民和媒體要遊說回顧半個世紀的外交政策“不干涉,尊重他人,不侵犯主權” 。如有必要中國政府應該採取行動後的責任保護通過聯合國。