Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A Day to Remember

Aug 11th, 2017: 

We will forever remember the day we flee from the army which targeted us as an enemy.
We shall not forget the government which doesn't see fit to utilize its political capital to speak out against our atrocities.
There will always be a place in our hearts for the authorities which believed that our parents, siblings, and children's deaths are not valuable enough to be investigated by the United Nations.
We will overcome this civilwar and glorify the promise of God.
Hkungga let lajin mayu ai. . . . .
Rapdaw hte Asuya Magam hpe gun hpai nga ai Wunpawng sha ni e, garum la myit!
Mungkan gaw nan hte rawng nga ai n-hkan Myen Hpyen Dap hte Asuya hpe grai "myit galu" ma ai ngu mu ma ai.
Rapdaw kaw tara shang tang shawn mu, jahkrat ai ni nga yang mung tara shang ndau mu.
Asuya Magam gun ni mung Asuya hpe tang shawn mu, n-hkap la ma ai nga yang mung n-hkap la ai lam shawa hpe ndau mu.
Ndai hku chyu hkawm nga yang, Kachin mung shawa ni grau grau machyi sawng wa chye ai.
Ndai hku ru yak jam jau ten hta tinnang gara maga tsap ai gaw labau hta matsing wa da chye ai baw re.
Amyu hte Mungdan ntsa labau hka n-kap ga. Magam Myit/ Madu Myit rawng ga.