Tuesday, February 23, 2010

BBC shiga : Burma's Kachin army prepares for civil war

By Alastair Leithead BBC News, Laiza, northern Burma
The sharp sound of loading and unloading weapons and the barked orders of the sergeant-major cut through the mountains of northern Burma as the young cadets are put through their morning drills.
Their discipline is good, their uniforms smart and there is little doubting their sense of purpose or patriotism towards the red and green flag with crossed machetes they proudly wear on their right shoulders.
They are the next generation of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), and say they are not afraid to be the generation that fights in a civil war many fear may soon be upon them.
"The Union of Burma was formed on the basis of equality for ethnic people, but there has been inequality throughout history and we are still being suppressed," said cadet Dashi Zau Krang.
He is 26 and has a degree in business studies, but says inequality has stopped him getting a good job and driven him to join the military.

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