Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The true history of the strange events that happened near the establishment of the throne of Ginsi Duwa

The true history of the strange events during the reign of GinSi Du wa hpakant is a fascinating tale deeply rooted in the mystical traditions of the Kachin people. The reign of GinSi Du wa hpakant, known as a powerful and enigmatic ruler, was marked by a series of extraordinary occurrences that have become the stuff of legend.One of the most remarkable events during GinSi Du wa hpakant's reign was the incident when the sungod's...

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Thursday, July 13, 2023


 JINGHPAW MUNGDAW NSENkailang pyi n sharat ma ai. Kaning n chyum hka sa ja ai zawn n pru n mai re ai lam ni nga wa yang, lagaw hpe laja hpaw hte hkayawp na she pru mai ai. Mare masha ni mung dai shani tup bungli bungsi n galaw ai. Bu n hkawm ai. (8) Manau Shadung Baw Ai Lam:- Manau shadung hpe laning mi ladu bai hkrum jang she Lamu Madai...

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