Saturday, February 18, 2012

Malaysia kaw grai rim na lam shiga mawng taw sai

The arrest, detention & deportation of undocumented migrants is the final
phase of the Malaysian government’s Illegal Immigrant Comprehensive
Settlement Programme (6P Programme, “6P”) In spite of the Secretary-General
of the Home Ministry, Tan Sri Mahmood Adam’s declaration that the deadline
for the 6P has been extended to April 10 2012, we have already started
receiving reports of arrests and detention.

On 11th of February, we were informed by refugees and members of the public
that a raid was conducted in Kuala Lumpur, during which between 100 to 200
migrants and refugees were detained. We are aware that some refugees were
taken to detention centres, while the whereabouts of others are currently
unknown.  More++news++++